Excellent work! You cover a lot of ground in 5min. It would be amazing to have a transcript of the audio.

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I’ll get that sorted for you

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I've read through most of your posts and applaud your efforts.

My educational and professional background has been technical, so my perspective takes a more 'hard science' outlook. I was exposed to classical liberal ideas many years ago, mainly through libertarian literature (e.g., For A New Liberty by Murray Rothbard). If you have time, I think you'll discover many fellow-travelers at Mises.org. Education is one of many disciplines that can benefit from a classical liberal approach.

One area of concern is the relative recent advances in neurology and understanding how our brains process reality. I recently slogged through 'The Master and His Emissary' by Iain McGilchrist. It's dense but presents some interesting ideas of how society has 'evolved' into its present state. Of course, he doesn't have any easy solutions (are there any?).

Another possibly valid critique to your premises is work by Donald Hoffman (and others). Hoffman asserts that evolution has not selected our sensory systems for Truth (aka reality) but has instead selected for fitness (see The Case Against Reality by Hoffman). This doesn't mean that objective reality doesn't exist. It just means that our sensory systems have been 'good enough' until something better comes along. Both McGilchrist and Hoffman have YouTube videos you may find interesting.

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