Flannery O'Connor was an admirer, but she was not scientifically sophisticated either, so just mined his writing for some arresting terminology.

So was I, for a time, but I had a background in physics, finally concluding that T was at best vaguely interesting. Later I read Voegelin, and learned to spot a gnostic at range. (Saved me from much silliness in the seminary, too.)


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That’s interesting. It was T’s corrosive influence in the Seminaries that caught my eye yrs ago & then his impact more broadly on Technocrats, the ‘Luv & Lite™️’ “SpiritualButNotReligious” Industry & finally his assault on Epistemological Frameworks with his pushing of Theosophical “Evolution™️”. He’s been a mighty Player in the Totalitarian Tiptoe. A very “Modern🐍” sort of Catholic. I’d like to see Faith denominations get to grips with rooting out their heretics. I’d like to see the Scientific Community do the same. So far 🤑talks & the hubris of serving 2 masters remains strong & so here we are.

I’d love to hear more of your experience with what was being fed into the Seminaries. Way before T there was still the subversion of the influence of Kant’s teaching on Theology which has been huge.

Many thanks for your comment,



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My experience of the seminary was a long time ago (though I am still in contact with one of my old professors –Robert Imbelli, whom you may have run across if you subscribe to First Things). I don’t recall that Teilhard was ever discussed there –I suspect the bloom was off that rose by then. But Kant’s influence, in the form of “Transcendental Thomism” was present in the oft-cited works of Rahner and Lonergan. Also, in my own seminary, Liberation Theology was much honored –if not much studied. I seem to recall an occasional reading by Freire. (I have come to characterize LT as the Prosperity Gospel tarted up in socialist drag.) The 68-ers, as I call them, were very much in the saddle. (They are dying out now, those that persist making a senile fetish of their youthful avant-gardisms.) And this was also during the long pontificate of St. JPII, of blessed memory, who had a real mind and real experience. And real influence. The “intellectual” input was often something we seminarians just put up with, to be honest. Grace and Gospel seem sometimes to get past with little impedence. Meanwhile, don't hold your breath waiting for various denominations to kick out heretics; they need the personnel, and like LBJ once said, would rather have them on the inside pissing out than on the outside pissing in.

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😂 Wow - what a Tempters Feast!…..I can hear Screwtape clinking his glass😈

“LT - Prosperity Gospel tarted up in socialist drag”

“On the inside pissing out…..”

I’m going to posit that they were on the inside pissing IN.

What a mess - the sheer Grace necessary to come through that lot uncorrupted 🤯🙏

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