The elimination of final cause was not an intellectual mistake; it was a calculated maneuver designed to make populations epistemically defenceless against ideological subversion and technocratic control. Final cause is the anchor that binds knowledge to reality. Once removed, all inquiry becomes subject to ideological manipulation.
PHASE 1:Tactical Removal of Final Cause from Scientific and Philosophical Inquiry:
Step 1: Reinterpretation of Aristotle – Early nominalists reframed Aristotle’s four causes, treating final cause as a primitive or optional category. This planted the first epistemic seed of doubt about teleology.
Step 2: Mechanization of Nature – Bacon and Descartes framed the world as a mechanistic system, removing purpose from scientific explanation. This allowed nature to be treated as raw material rather than an ordered structure with intrinsic meaning.
Step 3: Empirical Supremacy & Positivism – The rise of empirical-only methodologies ensured that only what could be measured was considered valid knowledge, while anything related to purpose was dismissed as unscientific metaphysics.
Step 4: Philosophical Revisionism – Modern translations of Aristotle’s work were altered to downplay teleology, subtly shifting his arguments into a proto-materialist framework.
By the time the 20th century arrived, the majority of educated people no longer had the conceptual framework to think teleologically, making them susceptible to ideological restructuring.
PHASE 2: The Deployment of Final Cause Erasure as Psychological Warfare:
Once the intellectual class had been cut off from teleological reasoning, the next phase was to use this epistemic vacuum to manipulate cognition at scale.
Step 5: The Redefinition of Truth as a Construct – With final cause removed, truth was no longer an objective discovery—it was a flexible construct. If people cannot understand purpose, they also cannot understand why truth should remain fixed.
Step 6: The Cultural Normalization of Arbitrary Identity – With telos removed from human nature, identity became a fluid, self-defined concept rather than something rooted in reality. This enabled the rise of ideological redefinitions of personhood, sex, and morality.
Step 7: The Conditioning of Populations for Perceptual Management – Without an anchor in reality, populations became dependent on external authorities (scientific institutions, media, political figures) to tell them what is true and meaningful.
A population conditioned without final cause is psychologically primed to accept ideological narratives without resistance because they no longer recognize a coherent alternative.
PHASE 3: The Weaponization of the Telos Void for Mass Compliance:
With final cause erased from public consciousness, the last phase is to operationalize the consequences into governance and institutional control.
Step 8: The Replacement of Ethics with Utilitarian Compliance – Without a telos-based moral order, ethical decisions are framed in terms of social utility rather than intrinsic right and wrong.
Step 9: The Subjugation of Education to Constructivist Indoctrination – The function of education is no longer to align students with reality, but to train them to accept reality as a malleable construct shaped by authority.
Step 10: The Permanent Relegation of Final Cause as an “Obsolete” Concept – Final cause is locked into historical narratives of pre-modern superstition, ensuring that even future generations are primed to dismiss it before encountering it.
Final cause is not only erased but rendered “unthinkable,” creating a closed cognitive loop where populations cannot even articulate what has been taken from them.
How to Rebuild Final Cause and Restore Epistemic Immunity:
Step 1: Epistemic Reprogramming – Teach final cause as an essential, non-negotiable component of knowledge, ensuring that future generations are able to detect when teleology is being erased.
Step 2: Cultural Reintegration of Teleologically-Driven Thinking – Restore final cause in discussions about law, governance, morality, and science so that purpose is recognized as a necessary component of rational thought.
Step 3: Strategic Exposure of the Intellectual Fraud – Expose how modern materialism, nominalism, and postmodernism were 🚨designed not as discoveries but as containment strategies🚨 to neutralize teleological reasoning.
Step 4: Reconstruction of Alternative Institutions – Build independent schools, research programs, and media networks that reject the mechanistic paradigm and restore the foundation of knowledge as 💡discovery, not construction🪄.
Step 5: Tactical Narrative Disruption – Restore discussions of final cause back into the academic, public, and political sphere to break the illusion that reality is a purposeless system of interchangeable parts - the illusion🪄which serves Valerian’s Post Human🐍Theosophic Technocracy so well.